Blog et actualités: Awards Archives - Wellmune Afficher/masquer les filtres de catégorie
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Wellmune® Wins Natural Award

To recognize innovative ingredient suppliers, Beverage World has named Wellmune a winner of its first Natural and Organic Ingredient Award.  With a growing consumer interest in a more healthy, natural back-to-basics approach to what they eat and drink, this award recognizes Wellmune as a key food, beverage and supplement ingredient meeting the demand for naturally Continue reading…

Clean and Simple: Wellmune Recognized as a Trailblazer in Clean Label Solutions

Beverage World has named Wellmune® a winner of its first Clean Label Trailblazers award, recognizing the immune health ingredient as a vanguard of the clean label trend, “helping beverage companies develop today’s most innovative drinks.” As reported by the Beverage World, the clean label ingredient trend is driven by consumer demand for healthy and recognizable ingredients Continue reading…

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anodin naturel cliniquement prouvé