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How to Create the Best Dietary Supplements for the Immune System

Beta glucan gummy vitamins poured into a hand

Searches for the best dietary supplements immune health are on the rise, but some scrutiny around dietary supplements is prevalent in mainstream media. Often, the argument is that people consuming a well-rounded diet don’t need dietary intervention from supplements or that supplements don’t actually work. And if they do, they can do more harm than good. The challenge here is that, often, what makes the most noise is studies that show what doesn’t work. Moreover, what lacks reporting is the understanding of of the importance of the quality of the research demonstrating that specific nutritional interventions are efficacious and can provide proven benefits.

While manufacturers of dietary supplements for immune health are tasked with the responsibility of creating a safe product, turning to high-quality ingredient research provides the means to innovate supplement products that can not only deliver on its claimed benefit, but can also easily convey its benefits to the consumer. This is not an easy task when conflicting messages can cause confusion, but creating a successful supplement product that holds real value to consumers can be done. Here’s how to create the best dietary supplements for immune health support.

1. Start with sourcing research-backed ingredients.

With immune health a key benefit for consumers, research is critical in helping to establish the safety, efficacy, and quality of a finished supplement. Sourcing an ingredient with a deep portfolio of published, peer-reviewed study results that support ingredient claims should be the gold standard for quality and credibility. It’s important to note that not all immune health ingredients are the same, nor do thy confer benefits in the same manner.

Further, dietary supplement and vitamin manufacturers are responsible for the claims and benefits that they put on their labels and packaging. Innovative companies that select the right ingredients – those backed by clinical research that support compelling claims – can help better define their product, withstand regulatory scrutiny, and, ultimately, drive consumer value.

2. Understand ingredient characterization.

Characterization allows for measurement and standardization of an ingredient, which is required for establishing serving size consistency in manufacturing, stability, and shelf-life testing. The danger of a poorly characterized ingredient could mean that it contains other unknown components that may be harmful. Therefore, it is imperative that the health benefits of a functional ingredient can be attributed to known and safe components. The importance of a well-characterized ingredient means that its benefits, such as immune health, can be replicated and proven in specific supplement products, such as capsules, tablets, chews, or powders.

3. Know the serving size

When choosing functional ingredients for a dietary supplement that provide added benefits, such as immune health support, innovative manufacturers must look for data that supports the recommended daily usage. A demonstration of serving size response is the best indicator of optimum or effective dosage. There are many ingredients and commodities that have perceived health and wellness benefits, but, often, the dose of those ingredients is quite high or no dose-finding studies have been done to validate efficacy.

4. Finally, know your market and know your consumer

In order to create the best dietary supplements for the immune system, consumer attitudes are influencing factors. Recent survey data from U.S. consumers show that brand, previous purchase, product claims, and format are top influencers when making a decision at the shelf. What’s more, consumers are paying more attention to the ingredients in their supplements. In this competitive market, it makes sense to consider using branded nutritional functional ingredients that are safe and effective and can enhance a supplement product’s parent brand.


What else is influencing the supplement market? Learn more from our insights and trends white paper, Format for Success: The State of the Global Immune Health Supplements Market.

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